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联系: 叶先生
WhatsApp/WeChat: +86-189-2387-8430
Mobile: +86-189-2387-8430
QQ: 3351786486
Skype: xenon_michael
Email: michael@xenon.cn

深圳市宝安区航城街道洲石路739号恒丰工业城B8栋2楼 518026

广东省惠州市大亚湾西区龙海3路中海科技产业园1栋3楼西 516083


门磁 SM-AW701

Battery type: AAA x 2 /3V
Standby current: 10uA
Working temperature: -10~45 degrees Celsius
Working humidity: 20%~85~RH
Wireless frequency: 2.4GHz
Wireless distance: 30 meters indoors without occlusion
Communication protocol: WiFi 2.4GHz
Smart Life app
Works with Alexa Google Assistant
  • Xenon Door and Window Sensor, no hub is Required WiFi Connection, Wireless Alarm and Smart Home Detector, Compatible with Alexa and
    Google Assistant;

    The Xenon wireless door and window sensor can be installed on your door, window or some area to let you know if your door, window or some
    object is open,closed or moved from the location. From your mobile phone, the information on whether the door or window is open or closed is
    synchronised, so you no longer have to think whether the door, window or some object is closed, moved away or not.

    Hub is note required for this unit.You can download free app Smart Life from Play store and Google Store.The sensor gives you the opportunity
    to create a scene connection between WiFi smart devices in that location.

    Easy installation for easier setup, installation with 3M adhesive (included) saves your time. The application can also extend to large areas such as
    drawers, garage doors, blinds etc. Simply stick it anywhere two things connect and the area is always secured, even if you don‘t monitor it.

    Alarm push notification to protect your home with open/closed door detection. When there is an alert, it will be sent a trigger your smart phone,
    you can know about your home wherever you‘re.

    Share the sensor with your family and friends, so you can quickly control and monitoring your home together by smart phone. 
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