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联系: 叶先生
WhatsApp/WeChat: +86-189-2387-8430
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Email: michael@xenon.cn

深圳市宝安区航城街道洲石路739号恒丰工业城B8栋2楼 518026

广东省惠州市大亚湾西区龙海3路中海科技产业园1栋3楼西 516083


发布日期:2018-01-08 点击次数:4669
Today, let‘s see where to start DIY for home automation. It‘s very inclined for beginners to use Xenon Wi-Fi ZigBee plug power strip.
If you are a voice assistant to control your smart home devices, xenon specialists, or veterans building your dream smart home, this guide is definitely not for you. We recommend that you check out some more advanced content on our Home Automation Blog, and there are already a lot of such content.
On the other hand, if you want to improve your home and you don‘t know where to start, read on.
Quick disclaimer before we start...
Today we won‘t give you a complete step to use smart devices to manage every corner of your home, and we won‘t double the complexity of home automation. Again, this is a basic guide for beginners, not a complete solution. We hope to exclude home automation from the basic foundation, rather than make you more confused, in addition, quickly define...
  • 上一篇:最新越南规墙插  2019/09/27
  • 下一篇:  2018/01/08